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Output 2 – Experience mediation in everyday life

Experience mediation in everyday life

Our goal in this output is to empower parents, teachers, caregivers, educators to mediate the world to their children and students during everyday situations. We prepared a training course in which we look at the experience of mediation as a form of interaction that shapes human experience and we approach this topic from different angles. We present a series of 40 lessons in which we show how to transfer the experience of mediated learning from the framework of the content free IE program to content rich teaching situations in the classroom as well as to other situations the life brings outside the classroom.

Open or download the file with the list of lessons
Mediation during chemistry lesson
Mediated learning experience during chemistry lesson
Mediation in everyday teaching learning situations
Mediation in everyday teaching learning situations - pronouns in Czech language
Cognition and motivation
"The cover page" in content-rich lesson
Meidation in everyday situation - fairytales
Time, books, fairytales - enhancing learning potential through everyday situations
Building the concepts in orientation in space
Lack of mediated learning experience
Mediation through horse therapy
Case study - mediation through horse therapy
Mediation through cooking
An Architect as mediator
Mediation in everyday teaching situation - student with ASD, 1
Mediation in everyday teaching situation - student with ASD, 2
The sentence… The word… The syllable
Human body parts
Mediated Learning - The Future is Inclusion
Budúcnosť je inklúzia
Mediated Learning and its application in teaching children from Roma settlements
Sprostredkované učenie a jeho aplikácia vo vzdelávaní žiakov z rómskych komunít
Theory of Mediated Learning
Teória sprostredkovaného učenia
Mediated Learning for people from poverty
Sprostredkované učenie pre chudobných
Mediated Learning Experience in Practice
Skúsenosť sprostredkovaného učenia v praxi
Mediated Learning - Summary
Mediated learning to children experiencing lack of everyday mediation in their families
Boy Introduction and interview with mother
II Boy Modality working at the table
Comments on video serie Boy working in different modalities
III Boy Groupsession modiality motoric exercize
Movement in a group session - opportunity to mediate
IV Boy Modality painting
Painting and drawing - suitable tools for mediation
How to prepare children for work with instruments

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